Here’s what Chloé’s got coming up!

Noor Theatre’s Highlight Reading Series with the SWANA Writer’s Co-Op

Chloé had an amazing time with Noor Theatre when and the SWANA Writer’s Co-Op for Noor’s Highlight Reading Series!

“An evening of 10-minute excerpts from plays written by Gregory Jafari Van Acker, Dalia Ashurina, Gamal ElSawah, Chloé Hayat, Olivia Khoshatefeh, Thalia Ranjbar and Monna Sabouri, and directed by SB Tennent and Kareem Fahmy. All of these artists are members of the SWANA Writers’ Co-op, a group for SWANA dialogue-based writers that regularly gathers with the support of Playwrights Horizons to share pages, receive feedback, offer and receive peer-mentorship, and support each other’s writing processes. The group was originally created by Kareem Fahmy and May Treuhaft-Ali and is horizontally led, collectively operated, and contingent on writers’ willingness to volunteer their time toward each other’s artistic growth.” -Noor Theatre

Atra Asdou, Ahmad Maksoud, Xavier Clark, Adam Shaukat & Sarah Bitar in Noor Theatre's Highlight Reading Series presentation of The End of Incorporated Filth photo by Valerie Terranova


The company of Madame Couché’s Serials Finale (from left) Georgia Kate Cohen, Andie Lerner, Keith Weiss, Nick Turturro, Chloé Hayat, Sarah Alice Schull, Elizabeth Spindler, and Alice Parente.


Serials with the Fled Collective

Chloé just closed the Longest Running Serial at the Fled Collective to date with 9 Episodes of Madame Couché’s Hot Tarts End the French Revolution!
After 7 months of the most joyful, campy, wild collaboration, Chloé closed fan favorite Serial Madame Couché, having worked with 14 incredible actors, 4 directors, 4 producers, 1 designer, and hundreds of happy memories! But this isn’t goodbye forever- keep your eyes out for Couché’s return as a full length piece in collaboration with The Fled Collective.


Cast and creative team for Theater Accident’s reading of The End of Incorporated Filth in May 2021
(from top left: Matthew Freeman, Chloé Hayat, Ben Schrager, Allegra Verlezza, Desi Waters, Amela Karadza, Lauren Michelle Abdul, and E.B. Hinnant- Michael Raine, director not pictured)


Return of the Hit & Run Reading Series with Theater Accident and Matthew Freeman

Chloé is curating Theater Accident’s Hit & Run Reading Series (again)!
Theater Accident returns to the Hit & Run Reading Series, presenting exciting new plays and playwrights with no guardrails and no seat belts!

The readings start up again with a reading of Allyson Dwyer’s haunting play, Nothing Remained but Voice and Bones, directed by Jessi D. Hill!

Past Readings:
April 2022- Nothing Remained but Voice and Bones by Allyson Dwyer
May 2021- The End of Incorporated Filth by Chloé Hayat
April 2021- Mommy and the Pirate by Zoë Rhulen
March 2021- Raving Mad by Andres Osorio
Feb 2021- Escapegoat by May Treuhaft-Ali
Jan 2021- Saint Joe by David Cote
Nov 2020- The Virtues of Raw Oysters by Cheri Magid
Oct 2020- Cult of Domina by Tori Lassman
Sept 2020- Leo and Friends by Amalia Oliva Rojas
Jan 2020- His Majesty, Herself by Chloé Hayat

The Hit and Run Reading Series is monthly, if you’ve missed us so far…
STAY TUNED and catch us next month!


Chloé had a blast participating in Fucked Up Play Fest’s November 2021 edition!

Chloé wrote a 10 minute short for Paige Esterly’s Fucked Up Play Fest titled The Only Cure for this Life is Rock and Roll featuring Lauren Michelle Abdul, Stephanie Herlihy, & Michael Ortiz. Such a wildly fun experience!

Lauren Michelle Abdul, Michael Ortiz and Stephanie Herlihy in The Only Cure for this Life is Rock and Roll by Chloé Hayat for Fucked-Up Play Fest


Dramaturgical website for Clubbed Thumb’s The Woman’s Party by Rinne B. Groff

Chloé served as Creative Content Editor for the dramaturgical website hosting Clubbed Thumb’s new virtual play by Rinne B. Groff!
On this website, you'll also find an array of other materials - historical context, biographies of various women's rights leaders - to which we'll continue to add in the coming weeks (including interviews with the cast). We hope this will enhance the viewing experience.

Chloé conducted interviews with the incredible cast of 10, curated, researched, and wrote contextual dramaturgical materials for the website including biographies of warriors for gender equality, a timeline of Civil and Voting Rights in America, documented the unique and winding path this play took to come to fruition, and much more! Check out the wonderful, powerful, buoyant play The Woman’s Party and take a look at Chloé’s dramaturgy here.

…and if you loved The Woman’s Party and are dying to know which character you’re most like, here’s a fun personality quiz Chloé and Writer’s assistant Madeline Mehrer created for the website.


Collaboration with Fecund Mag!

Chloé is featured as the Centerfold in Issue 4 of Fecund Mag edited by Ian Abernathy and Meg Cook!

Fecund highlights exceptional works of new abundance. Co-founded and co-edited by Meg Cook and Ian Abernathy, the magazine is a medium through which writers and visual artists are exquisitely showcased and paid for their work.”

This has seriously been a lifelong dream of Chloé’s! CENTERFOLD?! Check out Issue 4, and Chloé’s musings on how to maintain sanity and confidence in a year without social interaction during a global pandemic in her feature, I AM MY OWN QUARANTINE VALENTINE: A RETROSPECTIVE.


“Honey, you want my advice? BYOV (Be Your Own Voyeur). The social butterfly must learn to validate herself through her own eyes during a yearlong pandemic.”


Hit & Run Reading Series with Theater Accident and Matthew Freeman

Chloé is curating Theater Accident’s Hit & Run Reading Series!
Theater Accident begins the new Hit & Run Reading Series, presenting exciting new plays and playwrights with no guardrails and no seat belts!

Our reading series is now virtual, but we are so happy to have wider accessibility, and to be able to connect with so many wonderful artists and supporters!

Past Readings:
May 2021- The End of Incorporated Filth by Chloé Hayat
April 2021- Mommy and the Pirate by Zoë Rhulen
March 2021- Raving Mad by Andres Osorio
Feb 2021- Escapegoat by May Treuhaft-Ali
Jan 2021- Saint Joe by David Cote
Nov 2020- The Virtues of Raw Oysters by Cheri Magid
Oct 2020- Cult of Domina by Tori Lassman
Sept 2020- Leo and Friends by Amalia Oliva Rojas
Jan 2020- His Majesty, Herself by Chloé Hayat

The Hit and Run Reading Series is monthly, if you’ve missed us so far…
STAY TUNED and catch us next month!

The cast & creative team for Theater Accident’s reading of Cheri Magid’s The Virtue of Raw Oysters.  (from top left: Stephanie Herlihy, Cheri Magid, Matthew Trumbull, Ron Riley, Michael Ortiz, William Vonada, Nicholas Barasch, Benji Kern, & …

The cast & creative team for Theater Accident’s reading of Cheri Magid’s The Virtue of Raw Oysters.
(from top left: Stephanie Herlihy, Cheri Magid, Matthew Trumbull, Ron Riley, Michael Ortiz, William Vonada, Nicholas Barasch, Benji Kern, & Gaby Sprenkle)

His Majesty, Herself.png

Hit & Run Reading Series with Theater Accident

The Chain Theater, Monday January 13, 2o2o @7pm-

Theater Accident begins the new Hit & Run Reading Series, presenting exciting new plays and playwrights with no guardrails and no seat belts!

First up!

His Majesty, Herself by Chloe Hayat
The Female Pharaoh Hatshepsut’s mortuary temple was discovered in 1927 by a really white and very male Egyptologist in the most offensively Khaki outfit you have ever seen. He and his White Male Egyptologist friends decided that Hatshepsut was the ultimate evil queen as she clearly had deceived her subjects into thinking they had a very male king, she obviously kept her young virile step-son from his rightful throne, and was probably super queer. But Hatshepsut’s legacy speaks for itself. Or she hopes it does. Hatshepsut and her Close Female Friend Who Slept in Her Bed and was Buried Alongside Her ushered in an age of flourishing art, architecture, wealth, extravagance, and women in positions of incredible power. So yeah, I guess that would translate as “evil" to a knobby kneed white dude and his buds. His Majesty, Herself rediscovers Hatshepsut’s 20 year reign over Upper and Lower Egypt through a modern lens.

Click here for more info!


Manhattan Film Institute’s 2020 Winter Film Series

Chloé’s short films Domestic Bliss, Trash and Moving On are official selections of MFI’s Winter Film Series in Greenport, NY!

Catch Domestic Bliss, Saturday February 8th @7pm (showing before The Graduate), Moving On, Saturday April 4th @ 7pm (showing before What’s Eating Gilbert Grape) and Trash, Saturday April 25th @7pm (showing before All About My Mother). And there will be a Q&A post screening!

Hope to see you there!

For more info on MFI’s Winter Film Series, click here!

For more info on MFI, click here!


Breaking and Entering’s Pre-Emerging Artist Festival!

Chloé’s one act play The End of Incorporated Filth is being produced by Breaking and Entering on December 7th at the Chain Theater! Directed by Galia Backal, Assistant Directed by Olivia Ragan, and starring Michael Ortiz, Allegra Verlezza, Taylor Edelle Stuart, Keyana Hemphill, and Geoff Poplar!

Our Broadwayworld write up!!